Anxiety Teatment for Teens in Asheville, NC
We can help them have fun again!
There are so many reasons your teen feels anxious…
The teens with anxiety that we work with most are so good at hiding their anxiety from the outside world. They are the gold ribbon kids and have been for most of their lives. What starts out as most parents dream slowly becomes cause for concern as parents watch their children suffer to succeed.
What is Most Common with Anxiety in Teens?
When their teen struggles with anxiety, sometimes parents feel immense guilt. They wonder if they put too much pressure on their kid. Were they too hard on them at some point? Did their messages about potential and their kids exceeding intellect or talent poison them into thinking they had to achieve to be loved?
Here is some real talk about the these questions: yes and no. What’s most common in our practice is that the kids were already genetically predisposed to anxiety. It’s rare that an anxious kid is raised by anxiety-free parents. So there’s some nature in there that you absolutely couldn’t help.
Then there’s the nurture. If you’ve read any parenting anything for the last 20 years, you know that positive reinforcement is powerful. So you positively reinforced the behaviors you saw in your kid that you wanted to continue. If your kid is also a people pleaser &/or has a history of trauma &/or struggles with low self worth, this reinforcement can go sideways. It’s not your fault and it’s definitely not how you intended it, but kids can surmise that their worth is predicated on their achievement.
Let’s also be real about the fact that when we were teens, so many achievements were less necessary for college admission-- state school or Ivy, we didn’t have a media outlet from which to broadcast our success and see the success of others like teens do now with social media, and our search to find ourselves wasn’t strongly impacted by search engines and photo filters. Plus, how many times have you said “I’m so glad social media and youtube weren’t around when I was in high school”? They are having to figure all of this out with a potential audience.
Anxiety Treatment in Asheville, NC Can Help!
Our teens are inundated with more pressure than ever to be and do and present in ways that are not realistic for someone whose prefrontal cortex isn’t developed. Even with mostly regulated hormones and fully formed brains, most of us would feel sub-par if we had the pressure they have combined with such a little bit of life experience.
While acknowledging that is important, it doesn’t fix the overdrive many of our kids are in to try to compete. Most think they’re competing for college admission or the lead in a play or varsity or leadership spots. What we realize when we get them in session is that they’re competing for worth. And worth is obviously not a zero sum resource. There’s no competition for it.
Our Approach to Teenage Anxiety
We help teens recognize their unconditional worth. When they really understand deep in their bones that their worth isn’t contingent, they have better boundaries, prioritize the things that matter to them instead of their resume, and stop hustling all the time. They form a more cohesive identity. They make choices in line with THEIR values, not their friends’. They’re more present in their relationships and more content with themselves. This is why we invest in providing the best anxiety therapy in Asheville, NC or via online therapy in North Carolina.
Begin Counseling for Anxiety Treatment for Teens in Asheville, NC
Your teen doesn’t need to continue living with the overwhelm of their teenage years, anxiety help is here. Online therapy can help your teen feel like they can conquer their teenage years. Our Asheville, North Carolina counseling practice includes your therapists Elaine and Allison who specialize in teenage anxiety in Asheville, NC. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:
Help your teen live their life to the fullest!
Other Mental Health Services at Asheville Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Our Asheville, North Carolina counseling practice specializes in helping teens and adults who struggle with eating disorders and anxiety. Through counseling, we help people overcome shame and guilt. It’s possible to become free from the cycle of overly controlled behavior. And we’re here to help. In addition to anxiety treatment for teens, we specialize in anxiety treatment for adults, counseling for teens with eating disorders, and eating disorders for adults at the Asheville Eating Disorder Treatment Center. If you don’t live in the Asheville area or are unable to make it to our counseling offices for sessions, all of our services are available via online therapy in North Carolina. Get in touch with us today to start your journey toward feeling more comfortable in your own skin!