Anxiety Doesn’t Have to Run Your Life
We can help you get back to present.
Why is this happening to me?
I wish there was one thing we could point to. Usually it’s a combination of nature and nurture. Sometimes a past or current trauma shows up like anxiety. Our culture certainly supports constant movement.
The “why” may not be as important as the “what now” but it’s worth some exploration in therapy. Seeking anxiety help is a good start.
Common Symptoms of AN Anxiety Disorder
It’s rare to go from zero anxiety to a ton without a significant event. Most of our clients who experience symptoms of anxiety may have manageable to low level anxiety that increases and decreases based on stress level. At its peak, the anxiety feels unbearable and sometimes our reaction to that excruciating feeling prolonged it. That feels entirely unfair.
Often it is our reaction to anxiety that takes it from “I’m stressed” to wanting to crawl out of our skin. That’s not to say it’s your fault. On the contrary, we’re surprised most people don’t have anxiety disorders. There’s are specific ways of responding to anxiety that actually diffuse it. But so few of us were taught how to do this.
We’re living in a culture that reinforces constant growth, constant motion, constant striving. It’s honestly a bit counter-culture to distance yourself from anxiety. Most of our clients don’t consider themselves counter-culture so it feels particularly scary.
Part of why it feels scary is because so many of us use anxiety as fuel to reach our goals. The short answer to “will I get lazy” is no. Partly because you will learn how to prioritize the things that matter to you and in doing so we’ll uncover non-destructive motivation. Partly because you’ll learn to care less about some things that you’re putting too much emphasis on now. You also learn that rest, whether it’s a nap or a long lunch with a friend, isn’t lazy and won’t inspire guilt. Therapy for anxiety can help you discover your truth and grasp hold of the overwhelm.
WHAT SHOULD I KNOW ABOUT getting Anxiety Treatment?
You’ll still be yourself. If you’re highly driven, you’ll be driven by inspiration instead of that panicky feeling. When you get help from a therapist for anxiety, you’ll still get stressed out. However, it won’t have to turn into old patterns.
What is holding you back from Anxiety Therapy in Asheville NC?
Most of the time when we work with anxiety, especially amongst our high achieving folks, we find that the root of the anxiety is in trying to prove that you’re good enough. Sometimes to those around you, but mostly to yourself. The feeling of “good enough” doesn’t stick for long when it’s based on achievement, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Pride quickly turns to “what’s next.” It’s an endless chase.
Some of our clients have a hard time admitting that they struggle with self worth. When we ask about self worth they often always say something like “I think it’s ok. I mean, I [Achievement 1, Achievement 2, Achievement 3] so I know I’m capable/accomplished/respected at work/not a terrible parent…” but when we strip away the things they do, they don’t know how to measure their worth. That’s the place where our work starts to get really deep. The kind of deep that sticks.
Anxiety does not have to impact your life like it is right now. We’d love to help you live a life where anxiety doesn’t call the shots. Get in touch with us today.
Begin Anxiety Treatment in Asheville, NC today!
You don’t need to continue living with the stress of your anxiety. Help is here. Online therapy can help you feel you have better control. Our North Carolina counseling practice includes your anxiety therapists Elaine and Allison who specialize in anxiety treatment To start your counseling journey, whether in our Asheville office or online anywhere in North Carolina, follow these simple steps:
Meet with one of our caring anxiety therapists, Elaine or Allison
Let’s begin developing healthy ways to cope with anxiety!
Other Mental Health Services at Asheville Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Our Asheville, North Carolina counseling practice specializes in helping teens and adults who struggle with eating disorders and anxiety. Through counseling, we help people overcome shame and guilt. It’s possible to become free from the cycle of overly controlled behavior. And we’re here to help. In addition to anxiety treatment for adults, we also offer anxiety treatment for teens, counseling for teens with eating disorders, and eating disorders for adults at the Asheville Eating Disorder Treatment Center. If you don’t live in the Asheville area or are unable to make it to our office for counseling sessions, all of our services are available via online therapy. Clients can participate in online therapy services from anywhere in the state of North Carolina. So, get in touch with us today to start your journey toward feeling more comfortable in your own skin!